
Showing posts from December 14, 2014

Thinking Out Loud

I've been confined for 2 days already due to my allergy. It got me thinking about a lot of things. This has been first time to be confined in a hospital with a needle attached to my arm. It sort of reminded me that despite things we do to somehow avoid being placed in some dillema, some circumstnces still can push us back in that place we don't like. I guess on my part, its drinking something which triggered something for the first time in my sensitiveness. I don't recall being this too sensitive much less too hyper over a lot of things but I guess I am, now that we are aging and we are just not the same as we are before when our bodies are younger and we are happier in life. Happier, yes because when we were younger, we were only concerned about a few things but now that we are wiser and older, we tend to be concern about a lot more even if it shouldn't. I don't know anymore. I just want to be healthy again. To be fit once again and to just juggle whatever life thr...