why do we tend to only show our best to people?

Waking up earlier made me realized I overslept and wasn't able to do my early morning jog around the block. Anyway, I decided to make some little cleaning. Cleaning in the sense that not only in the room I am in but to also my whole being. It might take a long process but I must start somewhere.

Apologizing can be difficult especially fort those who doesn't want anyone to see them as vulnerable. I thought I was one of those but in the past years, I've realized that its better to apologize. It doesn't mean you're guilty or you're weak. It just means that you value something far more with that person, than your ego. But still we tend to only always show our "good" side to people. What about the bad side? Shouldn't we also show them that? I guess I am that kind of person. I show both sides of me and yet I already know not every single person I encounter will understand why I behave the way I do at times. I am not sure if it's their orientation or they are just feeble-minded or a 1-way road thinker. Either way, it's sad because we should not be afraid of showing our worse to others, not only our best. Because our worse side completes who we are! We can never be whole without the other side of our personality. And yes, not everyone can understand that, but I'm sure, sooner (hopefully) rather than later, they'll realize it in themselves that they too are already showing their worse part to you and just be done with it.

I know someone who belongs to another department (of where I work for). She's like either hiding something, lying or maybe just plain minded all in one. I'm not saying it's a bad thing that she is like that but most of the time, she's contradicting herself in everything she does and say. Which makes it stupid because she doesn't realize she's doing it or she's lying about it to herself. In short, she's in denial that she can be a prick at times. And it's sad because she's a friend (or so I thought she is). Of all people, she should understand but she doesn't. Which makes me wonder, if I should stay as her friend or just leave her be, being like that. If I would choose the latter, what kind of a friend would that make me?

So going back to topic, why do we tend to show our best to people? Because we cant to put on the mask. We are protecting ourselves so the people won't loose faith in the person we have become...the person we've always believed we could be but if they learn the truth that we are really weak and vulnerable mor we have a worse side, they might feel betrayed, feel let down and it might send them tumbling down the dark path. The stronger that bond once where, the more difficult they are to put back together, if they can still be repaired at all.


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