
why do we tend to only show our best to people?

Waking up earlier made me realized I overslept and wasn't able to do my early morning jog around the block. Anyway, I decided to make some little cleaning. Cleaning in the sense that not only in the room I am in but to also my whole being. It might take a long process but I must start somewhere. Apologizing can be difficult especially fort those who doesn't want anyone to see them as vulnerable. I thought I was one of those but in the past years, I've realized that its better to apologize. It doesn't mean you're guilty or you're weak. It just means that you value something far more with that person, than your ego. But still we tend to only always show our "good" side to people. What about the bad side? Shouldn't we also show them that? I guess I am that kind of person. I show both sides of me and yet I already know not every single person I encounter will understand why I behave the way I do at times. I am not sure if it's their orientation o...

Thinking Out Loud

I've been confined for 2 days already due to my allergy. It got me thinking about a lot of things. This has been first time to be confined in a hospital with a needle attached to my arm. It sort of reminded me that despite things we do to somehow avoid being placed in some dillema, some circumstnces still can push us back in that place we don't like. I guess on my part, its drinking something which triggered something for the first time in my sensitiveness. I don't recall being this too sensitive much less too hyper over a lot of things but I guess I am, now that we are aging and we are just not the same as we are before when our bodies are younger and we are happier in life. Happier, yes because when we were younger, we were only concerned about a few things but now that we are wiser and older, we tend to be concern about a lot more even if it shouldn't. I don't know anymore. I just want to be healthy again. To be fit once again and to just juggle whatever life thr...

long time...

It's been a while since I've opened this blog. I guess that has been a loss on my part since writing has always been a stress releaser on my part. I mean I've always enjoyed writing to the point that I even thought of just writing all my life. :) But then again, reality check, I also have to live hence, not only imagination should drive my life.  Anyway, I miss this. I need to write more often from now on. Will get back to you...soon...I still have to organize my thoughts (that's a first!). Hope that somehow, whatever ideas or opinions coming from my mind might not offend anyone out there...just stay strong and keep safe and go on living...God bless us all.

i'm tired...

sometimes, i just wish i can just cry it all out to sleep but i can't. anger, madness, everything, all emotions surge all at once but i cannot get myself to forget you...damn it. damn this heart.

this beating heart

every time i always say to myself that enough is enough. i always try to think otherwise yet whenever i gaze at your face or even hear your voice, something still beats for you. something still wants to run and just go and hug you even if you'd be just pushing me away.  why do we always tend to hurt yet we still choose to be with that person? why do we often find ourselves drawn still to that notion of happy ever after even if we have moved past beyond that? does the expression of the heart really too deep to comprehend by the more stable and resolute brain? will there be a time when every thing that we would be doing are dictations of the heart with a small part of the mind on it? and which is better? uniting the heart and mind for love or using either for each purposes? so many questions still, yet so little answers. and deliberately, such answers only exist when you have truly experienced the emotions i'm talking about here. when you are bombarded with arguments and reasons....

getting back to reading...

just when I felt like my desire to read hard copies have started to drift away, this new book sparked my attention again and have drawn me toward to browse its pages and read on. the story is intriguing, somewhat magical and exciting...just like my childhood best friend said, it's a book that is "unputdownable"...try to check it out: Before Ever After by Samantha Sotto. The author is a Filipina and this is her first book which got published and attained international recognition as a best seller. yey!

finding my way through iMac

recently, we opted to buy an iMac as an upgrade of our pc. Actually it was a gift and I was at an emotional jumble thinking that I wouldn't really know how to expertly glide my way through it unlike the PC I've been using before. But somehow, I was able to handle it quite well though I know I still have a lot to learn when it comes to troubleshooting and doing some tricks with it. Anyways, just like in my previous PC, I am that kind of person who likes to dress up my screen. I placed different desktop photos as wallpapers and I am an OC when it comes to cleaning it each time after use, so. The control button on the keyboard is quite different from the usual keyboard. It's labeled command. and it has no numeric keys but only those found with the different symbols like @#$ etc. Over all, I realized, its fun navigating around it and that's probably why a few of my friends opted in using mac instead of their pc's. as for now, i have placed my affinity on the tv show...